How This Simple "AM Ritual" Saved My Life and Helped Me Dropped From 160 to 121 lbs!

I Spent 10-Seconds A Day Doing THIS!

Two chins and bulges around my waist ago. It wasn’t until I found the Simple “AM Ritual” that I started living, getting my strength and life back. 

I was in terrible shape when I started...

My blood sugar was testing off the charts. And every meal was a mental war for me. I’d tried everything and drained my bank account trying different healthy recipes, keto diet, and expensive hot yoga (you name it), but NONE OF THEM WORKED!

I had given up so many things like; 

  • Climbing up the stairs 
  • My night of romance with my husband
  • My impulse shopping for clothes 
  • Attending family & school reunions 
  • I even stopped looking at myself in the mirror 

And most of all, I had given up on myself!

I struggled emotionally with my weight and stopped talking to people and going out often because I was ashamed of how I looked and felt.

I was devastated!

My Life Was Falling Apart...

How the Simple “AM Ritual” Saved My Life!

Hi, my name is Stephanie, mom of three amazing kids.  I used to be the crowning “queen” at the prom, but now I was desperate to look at myself in the mirror.

I noticed the start of my weight gain after I gave birth to my third child and hit menopause. 

And I can get rid of my pregnancy bulge around my waistline by going to the gym, but this time… 

It was different! 

Even my husband became cold to me. 

He was complaining that I was so flabby, slow, and moody!

I felt unwanted… 

This tore me up and broke my heart.

Not only was my relationship affected, I developed an eating disorder that caused me to balloon more.

I had gone from my norm of 120 to 160 pounds! 

A few months back, I made an appointment with my doctor. And the worst part was when he ordered me to do my blood count because he was so concerned about my condition.

My life took a complete 180-degree turn to rock bottom. 

I developed the classic symptoms of high blood sugar, and my blood pressure is always on the high side.  And I got furious when he said – “Your current lifestyle was NOT the issue…”

It turned out that the cause was a change in my hormonal levels at my age that put me at risk of different illnesses.

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Depression
  • Numbness in my toes
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes

I was worried…

Every time I weighed, the scale impacted my mood and body!

My dress sizes went up from M to XLL!

I kept thinking… “Will I stay this way forever”? 

Not only that my overall health is at risk, but I was also embarrassed by my size and how my clothes fit.

I had no quality of life and felt isolated.

In other words, I was trapped!

I always blamed my diet, genetics, lifestyle, and my age.

Like many menopausal women, I stopped getting dressed if my husband was around our room.

As days passed, my self-esteem continued to drop, and I‘ve always been anxious. 

But that all CHANGED… 

When I scheduled a lunch with my best friend, Anna.

Anna had also struggled with her full figure after giving birth to Steven, her fifth child.

But now, she looked great and fit.

She even flashed her figure with a body hug dress during that lunch.

SERIOUSLY, what’s alarming… 

She even ordered fried chicken and fries without hesitation.

While I was starving myself with my quinoa salad.

I was getting desperate. 

When I told her about my weight gain concern and asked her about her figure…

She opened her phone and showed me the video about the Simple “AM Ritual” that completely transformed her life.

After watching, I looked at her in the eyes, confused and trying to stay calm. 

Then she told me that she had been doing this Simple “AM Ritual” for the past 12 weeks before breakfast, and the best part is it only takes 10 seconds a day to do this!

With my body on the line, I took the plunge and tried it myself.

It was like faith brought us together that day.

I knew it was different…

My friends can’t stop asking what I have been doing to start looking younger and fit!

I ended up leaving the mall with some body-hug-styled pieces from stores.

I feel great and have no regret trying the Simple “AM Ritual” which also takes me 10 seconds a day to save my life!

Now, I can go to my favorite pizza parlor, drink coffee, and eat my favorite chocolates.

Thanks to Anna🤗! 

As soon as I tried the Simple “AM Ritual” – my husband and I reconnected on a whole new level (it’s exciting!

The effect was astounding.

I have lost, in total, 39 pounds and counting…

My doctor was shocked when I had my last annual checkup with him. He said, “You look great!”

So when he asked me to do my blood count, my last physical checkup was excellent. 

My blood sugar level and blood pressure are both in the normal range.

Most importantly, I was so grateful to GOD🙏 for giving me a second chance. 

I am in a place where I can see the beauty of life instead of a burden...

Yes, I feel confident and happy.

I can’t tell you how great I feel…I finally dropped from 160 to 121 pounds and brought back my life again. I feel like a completely different person now.

—And I am here to tell you there IS hope if you have been going through the pain of something similar!  I will never take my health for granted ever again. Watch the video below! (this is the exact video I watched with Anna🔥!)

Supporting your Healthy Journey,

Stephanie S.,55 from San Jose, CA.
PS: Aside from feeling energized, my cravings at night are gone, and I can show off to my friends wearing my tight leggings at my age!

A new version of myself!

This routine could not be any EASIER!

Results vary depending on the starting point, goals, and effort. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. 

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